South Mundy Methodist Church exists to be the church that Jesus described and that the first disciples lived out in the book of Acts. We believe in the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ that transforms every part of who we are, so that we are the living, breathing body of Christ who proclaims His kingdom to the world.
We are Christians
In saying we are Christians, we are not simply saying that we go to church.
We are not speaking about a religion, but a relationship; a relationship with a living person whom we love, and His name is Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God. We believe what Jesus said about Himself; that He is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; and no one comes to the Father but by Him. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, and Lord of all.
We believe that Jesus is not one of many divine teachers. He is the only One.
We live for an audience of One. And this means that we will not cave to the culture and we will not take the path of least resistance. We will not live in a way that makes others feel comfortable if that means compromising our relationship with Jesus Christ in any way.
We are Orthodox Christians
We believe what the church has always believed for the last 2000 years. We believe there is one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe the second person became Human in Jesus Christ; that He lived a sinless life; that He died an atoning death on a Roman cross; that He was physically resurrected from the dead; and that He now lives and reigns with the Father in glory forever.
We believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We believe that everyone needs a Savior, and that Savior is Jesus Christ.
We are Evangelical Christians
When we say evangelical, we mean that we believe in the Bible. We believe the Bible is God’s word; fully inspired by the Holy Spirit.
We believe what the Bible teaches is completely authoritative for those who want to live a life that pleases God.
We believe that, when the Scriptures are read, we are hearing the Word of God.
We are Wesleyan Christians
We believe that through grace, the invitation of God is open to everyone.
We believe that God is holy, and that He calls us to live holy lives.
We believe in a personal conversion that creates a personal relationship with God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit works to transform our hearts and our characters into the image of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the culture should not change the church, but that the church should change the culture.
The Bible: We
believe the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the Holy
Spirit inspired Word of God…God-breathed. The Bible
is our source of knowledge about God and Christ, and contains
all the truth necessary for understanding our way to salvation. (2
Timothy 3:16-17; 2
Peter 1:20-21)
The Trinity: We
believe God is the one living and true God, but who forever (and
mysteriously) exists in perfect community as three equal and fully
divine Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. Each form of God, while having different but
complementary roles in our lives, has the same nature,
characteristics and being, and is worthy of equal praise and
obedience. (Matthew
28:19-20; John
1:1-4; Acts
God the Father: We
believe God the Father is the creator of the universe. He has
unimaginable intelligence, infinite knowledge and is
all-powerful. God has authority and control over all creation
and yet desires to love us very personally as His children.
1:17; Hebrews
1:3; John
God the Son: We
believe Jesus Christ is uniquely God’s Son—fully God and yet
fully human, sent by God, to be born of Mary. He lived a sinless
life and serves as our role model for life on earth. It is
because of His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead
that people are forgiven of their sins, brought into relationship
with God, and promised real life here and now and eternal life to
come. (John
14:9-12,19; 2
Corinthians 5:19)
God the Holy Spirit: We
believe the Holy Spirit is God’s presence with us on earth today –
our primary teacher, comforter and source of God’s power.
The Holy Spirit came in a new and mighty way upon Christians at
Pentecost and is present in the world today. The Holy Spirit
convinces the world of sin and leads people to respond in faith to
the Gospel message. (Acts 2; John
16:7-11; Romans 8)
Salvation: We
believe that because of rebellion against God going all the way back
to Adam, all people sin, and therefore, deserve separation from
God. People, on our own, can never overcome sin or please
God. Jesus’ death on the cross was a sacrifice on our
behalf, and makes possible our forgiveness and reconciliation with
God. This is not because of anything we might do for God, but out of
His grace and love for us. To repent from (to have remorse for
and turn away from) our sins and trust in Jesus Christ are the only
requirements for us to receive this gift from God of forgiveness and
eternal life. (Romans
2:22-26,5:1; 2
Corinthians 5:21)
Holiness: As
the result of commitment to God through Jesus, we grow in faith.
Our love for God and for one another becomes more complete, although
we can never become sinless. As we grow in our Christian
faith, our desire to please God and live like Jesus also grows.
Heaven and Hell: We
believe that God desires for all of us as His children to spend
eternity with Him in heaven. Jesus alone will judge our
eternal destiny, but those who have not accepted Jesus’ offer of
forgiveness and new life risk living apart from Him for all
eternity. (2
Peter 3:9)
Baptism: In
baptism, we acknowledge and celebrate the grace of God, freely
offered to us before we were even aware of it. We confess our
sin, accept membership in the family of Christ, and vow to trust in
and serve Jesus Christ. Baptism is the public sign of God’s
covenant with us. It is a communal celebration; the
congregation vows to nurture and support those being baptized—adults
or infants. We believe baptism may occur at any age. We
enter this world as imperfect beings in need of salvation, and it is
through God’s grace that we can be in this covenant relationship
with Him. (Matthew
28:19-20; Acts
2:38-39, 16:15,33)
- Communion: We believe that communion is a remembrance of the suffering and death of Christ and a way of drawing Christians’ focus back to the essentials of faith on a regular basis. We believe in an open table—that all who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are welcome to participate in this blessing from God. (Luke 22:14-21)